
Need to convert ideas or inspiration into a finish plastic product?
In addition to the sale of ready-made products, we also offer custom manufacturing of plastics for the customer from the design and function to the final plastic part.

What are the benefits of using the Pave Pads?
The use of plastic Pave Pads has several advantages over conventional methods of paving. It is especially easy to install and eventual dismantling, leveling and draining the surface, the possibility of distribution of heavy loads, stackability and high-temperature resistance.

Why the right plastic handle is important?
Just a few products can be successfully sold without packaging. And the products in the package must somehow be grasped, held, transported, hanged, etc. In the case of paper or cardboard packaging, gripping elements shall be formed on it. And this is the opportunity to choose the right plastic handle.

How to install a plastic floor GripTil?
Installation of the GripTil system is easy and can be done without any special tools. Individual segments are connected each to the other by plastic connectors, which are inserted from the underside. It is not necessary to put the connectors into all prepared holes. However, if the floor is extremely strained, connectors are applied to all slots. Connectors are included in the price of the segments.